My efforts have benefited from working with some amazing list of collaborators. Some are listed here. As appropriate, I have added the link to their most recent website and as much as I can remember to update, where they are. You can also see a list of my Ph.D. students and my academic genealogy at the Math Geneology Project site.
Current Team
Ph.D. Students (Current)
- Apoorva Beedu [LinkedIn], Ph. D. Candidate in ECE, (2018-Present).
- Harish Haresamudram [Webpage, LinkedIn], Ph. D. Candidate in ECE (2019-Present) [Co-Advised with Thomas Ploetz].
- Miguel Morales [Webpage], Ph. D. in CS (2021-Present) [Co-Advised with Charles Isbell]
- Charles Nimo [Webpage], Ph. D. Candidate in CS (2023-Present) [Co-Advised with Michael Best].
- Daniel Nkemelu [LinkedIn], Ph. D, Candidate in Human-Centric Computing (2019-Present) [Co-Advised with Michael Best].
- Nikolai Warner [LinkedIn], Ph. D. Candidate in Robotics (2020-Present).
This list is only those who had some publications with me and were recently working with me.
Visiting Scientists
- Thomas Ploetz [website], Visiting Faculty (2012-2013), Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Atsushi Nakazawa [website], Visiting Faculty (2008-2009), Professor at Kyoto University.
Post-Doc/Research Scientists
- Joshua Jones, [website] Research Scientist (2011-2013)
- Grant Schindler, [website] Research Scientist (2010-2013).
- Zhile Ren [website] Post-Doc (2018-2019) with Dhruv Batra and Devi Parikh
- Vincent Cartillier [LinkedIn] Post-Doc (2023-2024). with Judy Hoffman
Ph. D. [Official Advisor] (chronologically).
- Darnell Moore [LinkedIn] Ph. D. in ECE (2000) (co-advised with Monson Hayes III). At Amazon.
- Arno Schödl [LinkedIn, website] Ph. D. in CS (2003). CTO at Think-Cell.
- Antonio Haro [LinkedIn, website] Ph. D. in CS 2003. Senior Research and Development Manager at Here.
- Gabriel Brostow [website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS 2004. Professor at University College London.
- Drew Steedly [website, Google Scholar]Ph. D. in CS 2004. Partner Development Manager at Amazon.
- Vivek Kwatra [website, Google Scholar]Ph. D. in CS 2005 (co-advised with Aaron Bobick). Staff Research Scientist at Google.
- Robert Mitch Parry [LinkedIn, website] Ph. D. in CS (2007). Professor, Appalachian State University.
- David Minnen [LinkedIn, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS (2007) (co-advised with Thad Starner). Software Engineer at Google.
- Nick Diakopoulos [LinkedIn, website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS (2009). Professor at Northwestern University.
- Pei Yin [LinkedIn] Ph. D. in CS (2010) (co-advised with Thad Starner), Engineering Manager at Facebook.
- Kihwan Kim [LinkedIn, website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS (2012). SVP at Samsung, South Korea.
- Matthias Grundmann, [LinkedIn, website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS (2013). Director at Google.
- Yachna Sharma, [LinkedIn] Ph. D. in ECE (2014). At Microsoft
- Syed Hussain Raza, [LinkedIn, website] Ph. D. in ECE (2014). Member of Research Staff at Amazon.
- Edison Thomaz [website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in HCC, (2016) [Co-Advised with Gregory Abowd]. Professor at the University of Texas, Austin.
- Vinay Bettadapura [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS, (2016). At Google
- Aneeq Zia [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in ECE (2018). At Intuitive Surgical.
- Unaiza Ahsan [website, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS (2019), Data Scientist at Home Depot.
- Daniel Castro [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS, (2019). At Google.
- Steven Hickson [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS (2020). At Google.
- Erik Wijmans [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS (2022) [Co-Advised with Dhruv Batra]. At Apple. (Publications with Eric)
- Vincent Cartillier [LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in ECE, (2023). At Amazon.
- Huda Alamri [LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in CS (2024).
- Niranjan K. Kannabiran [LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in ECE (2024) [Co-Advised with Sehoon Ha].
- Karan Samel [website, LinkedIn, Google Scholar], Ph. D. in Machine Learning (2024).

The “Ph.D.” (Propeller-Headed-Device).
A tradition in my lab is that one gets awarded a Ph.D. upon completing their dissertation. Following are some of the recent awardees of this traditional honor

Ph. D. [informally advised] (chronologically).
- Yifan Shi [LinkedIn, website] Ph. CS 2007, (informally co-advised with Aaron Bobick). Principal Scientist Manager at Microsoft.
- Raffay Hamid [LinkedIn, website] Ph. D. in CS 2008, (informally co-advised with Aaron Bobick). Member of Technical Staff at Digital Globe.
- Zahoor Zafrulla, [website, Google Scholar] Ph. D. in CS 2014 (informally co-advised with Thad Starner). Algorithms & Data Science Engineer at Nauto.
M.S (a select few, in chronological order)
- David Cunningham [] MS in CS 2002.
- Yan Huang [] MS in CS 2005.
- Nipun Kwatra [website] MS in CS 2006.
- Siddhartha Maddi [website] MS in CS 2007.
- Franzi Meier [website] MS in CS 2009.
- Amha Mogus [LinkedIn], MS in HCI 2010.
- Justin Ratcliffe [website] MS in HCI 2011.
- Radford Parker [website] MS in EE, 2012.
- Chris McClanahan [website] MS in CS, 2012.
- Jing Wang, [] MS in CS, 2013 [Co-Advised with Grant Schindler]
- Kevin Hampton [website] MS in CS 2013.
- Denis Aleshin, [website] M.S in CS 2013.
- David Stutz [website] MS Visiting Student from RWTH Aachen University (2015).
- Sonal Mahendru [website], MS CS (2015).
- Gokul Raghuraman [website, LinkedIn], MS CS (2015).
- Isabel Lupiani [LinkedIn], MS CS (Online) (2015-2016).
- Mansi Rankawat [LinkedIn], MS CS (2015-2016).
B.S (just a select few …)
- Amit Agarwal, BS ME (2015-Present). [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro].
- Joy Buolamwini [website] BS in CS 2012
- Ryan Carlin BC in CS and Math 2011 [Co-Advised with Grant Schindler]
- Benjamin Dines, BS in CS.
- Ryan Gomba [LinkedIn] [Co-Advised with Grant Schindler], BS in CS 2012.
- James Hays [website], BS in CS, 2004.
- Mebaa Kidane [Co-Advised with Grant Schindler], BS in CS 2012.
- Gaurav Mathur [website], BS in CS, 2011.
- Roberto Peon, BS in CS
- Christopher Polack [LinkedIn], BS CS (2015-Present). [Co-Advised with Julia Deeb].
- Spencer Reynolds [LinkedIn], BS in ECE 2002.
- Vikram Jain [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro], 2014.
- Michael Maurer [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro], 2014.
- Alexander Neal [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro], 2014.
- Sam Skinner [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro], 2014.
- Patrick Violette [Co-Advised with Daniel Castro], 2014.
- Raphael Gontijo Lopes [Website, LinkedIn], 2018.